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DTaP opens up opportunity for children

Preventive medicines do reduce spreading of diseases. Most parents will want to ensure their children grow up healthy and without severe medical issues to lead an independent life. And vaccines, became one of the solutions for children.

In Malaysia DPT (also known as DTaP) vacination have contributed to a low rate of 3 diseases, and a decrease of infant mortality rate since 1957. In 1957, there were 75.5 deaths per 1,000 births compared to 2013 of 6.5 deaths as reported on 15 January 2018, in, Strengthening Malaysia’s primary healthcare system.

Description of these 3 diseases;
TETANUS (Lockjaw) is rare in the United States today. It causes painful muscle tightening and stiffness, usually all over the body. It can lead to tightening of muscles in the head and neck so you can't open your mouth, swallow, or sometimes even breathe. Tetanus kills about 1 out of 10 people who are infected even after receiving the best medical care.
DIPHTHERIA is also rare in the United States today. It can cause a thick coating to form in the back of the throat. It can lead to breathing problems, paralysis, heart failure, and death.
ACCELULLAR PERTUSSIS (Whooping Cough) causes severe coughing spells, which can cause difficulty breathing, vomiting and disturbed sleep. It can also lead to weight loss, incontinence, and rib fractures. Up to 2 in 100 adolescents and 5 in 100 adults with pertussis are hospitalized or have complications, which could include pneumonia or death.
These diseases are caused by bacteria. Diphtheria and pertussis are spread from person to person through secretions from coughing or sneezing. Tetanus enters the body through cuts, scratches, or wounds. Before vaccines, as many as 200,000 cases a year of diphtheria, 200,000 cases of pertussis, and hundreds of cases of tetanus, were reported in the United States each year. Since vaccination began, reports of cases for tetanus and diphtheria have dropped by about 99% and for pertussis by about 80%.

A secondary DPT vaccine was introduced in Malaysia, in 1960s and have contributed in a proven way. In Malaysia, the National Immunisation Program managed by Ministry of Health Malaysia provide several vaccines given at government health facilities. Details on immunisation schedule is published online via the Health Online Unit of the Ministry of Health Malaysia. In general, its recorded that for new born the vaccination schedule is;

first visit:
Hepatitis B (1ST dose)

2nd visit(1 month later)
Hepatitis B (2nd dose)
DTaP-IPV//Hib  (1ST dose)

3rd visit (1 month later)
DTaP-IPV//Hib  (2nd dose)

4th visit (12 months later)
Hepatitis B (3rd dose)
DTaP-IPV//Hib  (3rd dose)

At 12 months 

At 18 months
DTaP-IPV//Hib  (booster)

There will be some unqualified prescription of vaccines that public and government cannot verify, that unfortunately becomes the target of anti-vaccine groups. Marketing pitch can be really loud and persuasive. Its difficult to blame these groups when there are so many new vaccines that are market via health scare tactics, that a blanket anti-vaccine deems the most appropriate.

Another vaccine that is being promoted by the Ministry of Health is HPV (human papillomarvirus) and its targeted for girls 13 to 15 years old. Not everyone is very confident about introducing such a vaccine to girls, as its a rather "trendy vaccine" and its prevention of a cancer (HPV strain 16 and 18) that is lacks confident information that relate to the same HPV strain in vacination. Its the scare of leading to cervical cancer and the virus that comes with sexually transmitted diseases, that drive government to push for HPV immunisation. Your family doctor would be able to shed a better light into immunisation if in doubt. Heard of mercury and aluminium scare stories in childhood vaccines? Maybe article "Torturing more mice in the name of antivaccine pseudoscience, 2017 aluminum edition" can shed some light.

Some strains of HPV are known to be cause of cervical cancers. However, American Society of Clinical Oncology website does mention, that most genital HPV infections will not cause cancer.
HPV related cancers

Like everything else, don't over do with vaccination. Having an instinct against vaccination? Be informed, before making any decision. Especially if its a decision for your children. Not everything on the billboards are for your good, it could be good only for the vaccine distributors.


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