One of the buzz word a few years ago was "omni-channel" and it looks like only recently it can be seen as being omni-potent. Yes, it was funny to see that word surface again.
An article by Mike Stocker, "
The Definition of Omni-Channel Marketing – Plus 7 Tips" provided what was thought of this term over a year ago.
April 1, 2014. Mike Stocker |
Similar message was posted by Julie Krueger, "
Omni-Channel Shoppers: An Emerging Retail Reality". Google have identified and rolled out the tools that hopefully wont be making users swear at all the unrelated adverts whenever they access a mobile device, watch youtube, read a blog(like this) or do an online search.
March 2015. Julie Krueger. |
Gaining leverage on omni-channel will surely allow any business closer to being omnipotent (in the sense of market leadership).