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Thing we do to find good health

The more money you have, the more easily it is to fall for scams relating to health care products. Following are just some thoughts during a long 2 hours drive recently.

Medicinal scams seem to appear either as a treatment or for health care products for the uninformed or ill-informed. Most people either want to look good or have better health.

Placebo effect is identified as a recognised treatment in the medical profession. There are dangers of placebo where a patient feels better and delays getting treatment for some serious infections. An article of research into placebo can be found at Harvard Magazine, The Placebo Phenomenon dated January-February 2013.

"Kaptchuk and his team have begun to take steps in that direction, continuing to ask new questions and push the boundaries of placebo research. A study published online this past year in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences demonstrated that the placebo response can occur even at the unconscious level. The team showed that images flashed on a screen for a fraction of a second—too quickly for conscious recognition—could trigger the response,but only if patients had learned earlier to associate those specific images with healing. Thus, when patients enter a room containing medical equipment they associate with the possibility of feeling better, the mind may automatically make associations that lead to actual positive health outcomes, says psychiatry research fellow Karin Jensen, the study’s lead author."
- Harvard Magazine -

Slimming tea, food supplements and water ionizers make it to the list of unethical placebo treatments. Seriously, one would think that humans should be able to sustain their health with eat fresh food and work out. The amount taken and diet vary with one's lifestyle, but the health care products seem to be a growing gazillion dollar industry.

Spoke to a salesman selling sleeping mattress that cost as much as a high end laptop. Cool, there was the mobile phone and apps to show microwave emitting from spring coils of other mattresses.

In USA, medical scams are still around and below is a case of Brian Clement.
Had they completed conventional treatment, both girls had a very good chance of survival. The families opted instead for traditional medicine as well as “alternative medicine” at Hippocrates. Each paid a reported $18,000 for participation in a “Life Transformation Program” there. This included, for at least one of the girls, cold laser therapy, vitamin C injections and a strict raw vegetable diet.
Extract from Florida tells Brian Clement to stop practicing medicine, dated 25.3.2015.

Like to have fruit juices, sure is cheaper when done at home. The occasional high concentrate of fructose and whats not sugars should be fine, but not for a daily diet! By no means everyone needs to own a juicer, which ever type. Then there are those who swear that using slow juicers are a must have because high speed juicers destroy the good stuff in food (enzymes?).

Testimony from recovered patients and nicely packaged gadgets are for the gullible and naive.

Stay beautiful the natural way and put those extra money to feeding the poor and keeping them in good health.

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