Its nice to hear the Catholic Church doing lots of work for peace, with the most recent by Pope Francis (See Malaysian newspapers, TheSun on 2 Dec 2014).
Its really challenging to fight the tides for these leader to bring peace. For example, due to opportunistic attacks, Pope Benedict speech in 2006 at University of Regensburg was totally turned around to make it seem like it was an anti-Islam speech. Excerpt of the speech is below;
The twisting of this speech led to mass protest around the world, and one article explained, on 15 Nov 2006.
Strange that calls for peace are met with obstacles but, widespread koran verses like SÅ«rah 2, 191-193, in which Muslims are urged to kill those guilty of al-fitnah (sedition) doesn't seem to find itself short of followers.
Its fitting that the Pope made his speech in a university, will religious scholars be less quite on attempts to bring unity and peace around the world?
Its really challenging to fight the tides for these leader to bring peace. For example, due to opportunistic attacks, Pope Benedict speech in 2006 at University of Regensburg was totally turned around to make it seem like it was an anti-Islam speech. Excerpt of the speech is below;
The twisting of this speech led to mass protest around the world, and one article explained, on 15 Nov 2006.
Strange that calls for peace are met with obstacles but, widespread koran verses like SÅ«rah 2, 191-193, in which Muslims are urged to kill those guilty of al-fitnah (sedition) doesn't seem to find itself short of followers.
Its fitting that the Pope made his speech in a university, will religious scholars be less quite on attempts to bring unity and peace around the world?