Its been raining in the evenings. Most of the time, Orion is very prominent in the skies standing with his two dogs Canis Major (bottom left) and Canis Minor (top right). Orion can be used to find all the other stars. Here is my rendition of the stars.

The Orion and his dogs
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The Twins
Rigel through Betelgeuse will point to the Gemini. Its shaped as the twin sons of Zeus.
The Bull
When Zeus transform into the white bull or taurus, he manages to abduct Princess Europa. It looks like a "V" shape, the apex being the horn ends.
The charioteer
This is a pentagon with the apex pointing to Orion head. The charioteer comes to Orion aid when Orion is blinded. to its right is Perseus.
Perseus marries princess Andromeda
A hero who attacked the snake headed Medusa then married Andromeda. It looks like an upside down "y". Perseus covers a large area in the sky. Andromeda is seen as 3 stars in almost a straight line pointing to Pegasus at its bottom right. Pegasus is a winged horse where the square body is most prominent. Pegasus is formed from the blood of Medusa when she was slain. Pegasus head is looking down to the water or Aquarius which is in shape of the water symbol. The pisces is to the left of Aquarius and Capricorn on the right.
Pisces is the Aphrodite and her son Eros transformed into a fish. They are tied together so that they do not get separated.
Further north

The Orion and his dogs
- Orion: Betelgeuse is red (top left shoulder), Bellatrix (top right shoulder), rigel is bright white (bottom right knee). Orion holds his bow on the right pointing to strike Taurus.
- Canis Minor: Two stars. Procyon is just below Gemini.
- Canis Major (dog star): Sirius is the brightest star.

The Twins
Rigel through Betelgeuse will point to the Gemini. Its shaped as the twin sons of Zeus.
- Gemini: Pollux is the brighter orange (head of the left and bent line) and Castor (head of the straighter line).
The Bull
When Zeus transform into the white bull or taurus, he manages to abduct Princess Europa. It looks like a "V" shape, the apex being the horn ends.
- Taurus: Aldebaran is the brighter star near the apex.
The charioteer
This is a pentagon with the apex pointing to Orion head. The charioteer comes to Orion aid when Orion is blinded. to its right is Perseus.
- Auriga: Capella is the bright yellow star (top right).
Perseus marries princess Andromeda
A hero who attacked the snake headed Medusa then married Andromeda. It looks like an upside down "y". Perseus covers a large area in the sky. Andromeda is seen as 3 stars in almost a straight line pointing to Pegasus at its bottom right. Pegasus is a winged horse where the square body is most prominent. Pegasus is formed from the blood of Medusa when she was slain. Pegasus head is looking down to the water or Aquarius which is in shape of the water symbol. The pisces is to the left of Aquarius and Capricorn on the right.
Pisces is the Aphrodite and her son Eros transformed into a fish. They are tied together so that they do not get separated.
- Perseus: Mirfak is the brightest star (the neck), Algol is the shorter of the "y" ends (the right hip).
- Andromeda: Mirach doesnt seem much different among the 3 stars and is at the bottom of the line.
- Pegasus: four prominent stars. Top right is the wing.
- Aquarius: Looks like a spread out "M" with the shape of the water symbol.
- Pisces: A large "V" or two fishes with their tails tied together.
- Capricorn: A large horn like shape. The apex triangle points downwards.
Further north
- Cassiopea: Above Pegasus. Almost flattened "W" pointing to north and Ursa Minor.
- Ursa Minor: The little bear have 7 stars and the tail is the Polaris. They are also known as the 7 Hesperides sisters where Hercules was to steal the apples. The bear also represent Arcas, son of Callisto (his mum) who was thrown to the skies along with Callisto so that he did not accidentally kill his mother. Since he did not know the bear was his mother.
- Ursa Major: The great bear (the spoon) have 7 stars. Dubhe is the edge of the spoon. When Merak lines up with Dubhe it points to the Polaris. One of the beautiful nymph named Callisto was turned into a bear after being raped.