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Showing posts from November, 2013

Sunday is a day of the week to be kept for religious works

Recent news on the state of Johor joining other states to have weekends on Friday and Saturday might effect the lives of many Catholics. It just means changing their normal practice. How would Sunday school be run, religous community functions normally held on Sundays and balance of a working life affect individuals? Some have quoted that sabath can be any day of the week based on the bible verses. Lets look back at what our church says in instructions "Eucharisticum Mysterium" of May 25, 1967. To celebrate on Sunday the Paschal Mystery. A good article can be found in And

Setting up a fibreglass fish pond in the balcony PART 2

Once the wooden frames were ready, the tiles were put in place on each of the 2 frame sections. Its a matter of arranging and preference. Since the tiles were smaller than the total area, there were little gaps but that can be filled another time.

Setting up a fibreglass fish pond in the balcony PART 1

It was time to replace the pot used for the fishes. Bought a fibreglass tank, the overhead filter compartment, tiles, ceramic glue, wood, plywood and nails. List of items are at bottom of this page. The plan was to tile the 2 sides for a terracotta look. Here is how the work in progress looks like. List of items used Fibreglass tank,  overhead filter compartment,  tiles (4 x 8 inches), ceramic glue, wood, plywood, paint, paint brush of 2 inches wide, paint thinner (not turpentine, and the brand is Seamaster - Protective coating 3300-3397) nails (looks like 1 inch), small hammer, pliers (to handle problem nails) Note: The wood and plywood was cut by the hardware shop based on the list as in the photo above.