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Showing posts from September, 2015

Tunku Abdul Rahman

The masterminds of Malaysia An undated photo. From left Tun Sambanthan (Minister of Works, Posts and Telecommunications) ,  Tun Omar Ong Yoke Lin (Health Minister), Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra (1st Prime Minister, 1957 to 1970), Datuk Abdullah Majid (Deputy Labour & Works Minister) and Sir Henry Lee Hau Shik (Minister for Finance). Tun Sambanthan The President of Malaysian Indian Congress (5th) when Malaysia gained independance. " We belong to a plural society, and we should always remember that in such a society we have to recognise that psychology has its own place. It is not enough if one's own attitude towards a problem is good. It is necessary that he should see what reaction, what effect it would have on members of different communities."  Tun Sambanthan Omar Ong Yoke Lin 1943 Founding member of Malayan Chinese Association (MCA) Abdullah Majid 1977 February: Detained under ISA ( Chronicle of Malaysia: Fifty Years of Headline News, 1963-2013 ) S...

MH17 - Why Australian doubts there will be Justice?

Its difficult not to be emotional when reading the article on 16 Sept 2015, " Flight MH17: Angus Houston fears no justice forfamilies " on The Australian. A total of 295 passengers that were lost on 17 July 2014 over Ukraine air space. In Australia, Angus Houston was appointed to oversee the crash of MH17, and had before that been with the crash of MH370. When dealing at an international level, it gets difficult to declare truths as political powers become a consideration. A report by the Dutch on their findings is expected to be released on 13 Oct 2015 by the Dutch Safety Board. It would be useful to know as to the missile penetrated through, or exploded on impact of MH17. The missile parts found at the crash site, " Flight MH17: possible parts of missile system found at Ukraine crash site " as reported by the Guardian, UK on 11 Aug 2015 is like a lonely announcement by the Dutch Safety Board. On 13 Sep 2015, an article " The Malaysian MH17 Crash I...