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Showing posts from November, 2014

Malaysian Unity: the core of national peace and prosperity

Malaysia is a population of 667.4% Bumiputera, 24.6% chinese, and remainder of various ethnics. The term unity would be to bring together as one or to be united. Unfortunately the government backed Perkasa have plans to redefine the meaning of unity. In the Malay Mail, 23.11.2014 its reported that a memorandum is being issued to form a "core group" of malay-muslim for a national unity council. Can't help but feel offended by the government support for these group of people and worry about the future of Malaysia, a place I call home. As I recall, so far in Malaysia to promote unity we have National Unity Consultative Council ( NUCC ) and Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism ( MCCBCHST ). To those who are doing something about protecting the nation from further divide, make haste while doing it in a peaceful manner. Do not support voilence!

Paper publish TOL increase in Cameron Highlands

A major landslide and flooding in Cameron Highlands have triggered questions on how the land is being protected. In New Straits Times, 17.11.2014 it says there is an increase of licensed land between 2003 and 2012. Yet, these Temporary Occupation Licences or TOL are said to be frozen since 2001. Its good if there is a balance between development, sustainability and tourism. Tasik Cini, Genting and all other land must be given focus on enforcement and relevant department audited frequently. There really isn't much the public can do except watch at how much the government will expose in its findings. Excuses such as National Forestry Act 1984 and Land Conservation Act 1960 needing amendments does not explain the mismanagement of Malaysia's resources. its also a wierd and questionable action to station MACC officers at Cameron Highlands.