In Malaysia, presentation slides are very common in all type of organisation and events, and a few have made great impact on people. Those slides that work great had something special for their audience, what was it? Is there an angel to why some presentations are great besides the presenter skills. A good place to find out is to identify from the not so ok slides what didn't work. 1. Sleepy bullet points Have you seen slides deck totally filled with only bullet points? Oh yes, some were not circles, they were diamonds and squares. It helps to put an order to follow for the presenter. I love having ideas displayed in points forms but lets not over do it. As a rule of thumb, do not exceed 6 bullets per slide, 2 bullets is best. Limit number of slides having list of bullets. 2. Exceeded Rule-of-3 There are lots that a presenter wants to convey to the audience but most will only be able to catch some before everything becomes fuzzy. Presenting the annual expenditure, propo...