Its confusing, the history of Malaysia. An article in 2010, mentioned that Kota Gelanggi in Johor, Malaysia was a evidence that Srivijaya and its Buddhist empire was in Malaysia way before Parameswara arrived. See A small piece of History for our future generation . Lukey took the effort to determine if the above story was true and concluded that it might be a cut-and-paste for political/ill-intend purpose. See The Lost City of Kota Gelanggi Archeological Find - (The First Immigrants to Malaysia) . Another author goes on a search and details interesting findings. This includes the Department of National Museum, declaring that there is no evidence of any ancient civilisation. See Untold History : Spine Chilling Quest to Lost City of Gelanggi I and Part II - big foot . The author did an onsite exploration at location 1.3 in the map. Source: All the interest stem from Raimy who pub...