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Showing posts from August, 2014

Clinics do open in the morning

Yes, this clinic opens at 9:00am.

Journalism Might need to Mind Your Language

Reported in the New Straits Times on 27.8.2014 just days before Merdeka and on the front page. Written in a provoking manner it also seems to be written in a hurry. "Resisting his decree..." Normally they don't even refer to royalty like this after going through the editor and team. Children do learn the language through mainstream papers as they were suppose to have better writing skills and are articulate.

MH17 : Arrival of remains

30 Malaysians have been identified as of 22.8.2014. Today, remains of the MH17 victims return home. Next will arrive on 24.8.2014. 17 coffins and 3 urns arrives at KLIA today. Some photos from TV7.

Southbound Trip

Why are they so fast?

Honda City 2014

My latest ride, is the Honda City 2014, V specifications (Malaysia). Seems each country have different configuration for their V specs. The body in Tafetta White The Display for Phone and Audio Mosaic Rims Dashboard

Want to help others?

Kota Gelanggi the Lost City

Its confusing, the history of Malaysia. An article in 2010, mentioned that Kota Gelanggi in Johor, Malaysia was a evidence that Srivijaya and its Buddhist empire was in Malaysia way before Parameswara arrived. See A small piece of History for our future generation . Lukey took the effort to determine if the above story was true and concluded that it might be a cut-and-paste for political/ill-intend purpose. See The Lost City of Kota Gelanggi Archeological Find - (The First Immigrants to Malaysia) . Another author goes on a search and details interesting findings. This includes the Department of National Museum, declaring that there is no evidence of any ancient civilisation. See Untold History : Spine Chilling Quest to Lost City of Gelanggi I and Part II - big foot . The author did an onsite exploration at location 1.3 in the map. Source: All the interest stem from Raimy who pub...